Drowning in paperwork

Well, not quite, but it feels like it! The soil tests and engineering reports have been completed and the site costs have been finalised. The site costs came back slightly under the amount originally quoted (great news). From what I can gather we will be getting an M class waffle slab with P class engineering and piers. I am pretty sure I know that that means…. you definitely learn a lot of new phrases and terms very quickly when building!

As the site costs were confirmed we were also able to then sign off on our colour selections/upgrades. We didn’t think getting to this stage would take five weeks, but there is little we can do!

The engineering drawings are now being done and when finished it will be interesting to see them as we will get to see how much of a cut will be needed on the land, how high the retaining wall is going to be, etc. I think that once these are all done and signed off the building permits are applied for, so they are ready to go when the builder is.

The builder have basically confirmed my suspicions that they won’t be starting any new builds now until after the Christmas break. Understandable, as they are really busy at present and probably want to finish off a heap of other builds before Christmas, but it does feel a bit disappointing. Hopefully we will be first cab off the rank next year!