If the time is right…..

Well, at this point we are still looking at our land settlement in December so no big news about the land or the house but… we did buy a clock recently, so thought I would share. I have been on the lookout for a large clock which we will hang on the opposite the kitchen. Paul and I had seen a few, but hadn’t been able to agree on any, until this one. We actually saw it in a store in our local shopping centre but it was a tad pricey, so figured we would try and get it on sale if we could. However, a month later we were in Geelong and walked past a homewares store, and I saw the same clock through the front window. It was much more reasonably priced and I was then able to get a bigger discount by buying a VIP card. The cost of the card was going to breast cancer research so it was money well spent and I saved an extra $80 on the clock. Needless to say despite the fact that it won’t be hanging on the wall for awhile, the timing was right…
The photo below shows the size of it and Cleo, the furbaby, decided to make her entrance….