Land progress

We stopped in to the estate yesterday to see if there was any progress and – hallelujah – there definitely was. All of the works below ground are now finished, so the above ground works have commenced. It is therefore much easier to see the progress now.
Our road going up the hill (from Stage 1) has been dug out a bit and is more clearly defined, though it is still hard to work out the exact corners of each block.
As it was a Sunday there were no workers so we accessed the site and were able to stand in front of our block, which was much better than trying to look at it from Stage 1. The slope across the block was definitely easier to see (gulp).

Anyway, some pics:

land 8 Feb 15
Standing in front of our block

land 2 8 Feb 15
Looking down the hill (Paul also making an appearance)

land 3 8 Feb 15
Looking up the hill